This master plan, prepared for the Lawrence, Kansas Parks and Recreation Department, provided for the comprehensive development of a riverfront park through a creative linkage of existing parks and the river frontage by a system of trails. These trails respond to many activity levels and forms of recreation, and the linkage has established an integrated park system of nearly 100 acres connecting the historic central business district with the Kansas Riverfront. This system of parks and trails has provided a framework for recreational development along the Kansas River.

CP&Associates prepared follow-up park designs for Burcham Park, Constant Park, Robinson Park, Watson Park, and Constant Trust and Bowerstock Mills and Power Company. Each effort has led to the incremental implementation of the overall master plan. A unique collaboration of public and private interests working within this planning context have accomplished remarkable success in creating enviable recreational opportunities in Lawrence, Kansas.

Individual Park Plans:
Watson Park (formerly Central Park)
Constant Park
Burcham Park
Robinson Park